Saturday, September 24, 2016

How Fasten-ating!

Pins, nails, paper clips, zippers, thread, tape, glue. What do all of these objects have in common? They fasten things together. Where would we be without fasteners? At loose ends….    Fasten your eyes on these activities about fasteners. You may find them fasten-ating/



Fastening things together: that’s the heart of manufacturing. And part of manufcturing is producing the fasteners themselves (as the paper clip video illustrated). Think of all the jobs that require fastening: the clothing industry, jewelry making, carpentry and construction, welding, surgery, and of course inventing. Here are a few of those fasten-ating careers.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

I Spy with my LIttle Eye

Spies! They continue to serve as information gatherers and dispensers, regardless of the side for which they work. They can sound glamorous, sinister, heroic, or criminal. The following activities spy into their activities.




Like to sleuth and uncover information? There’s a career for you. Here are some career avenues to investigate.