Friday, September 24, 2021

How Do You Measure Up?

 When you think of measurement, do you think of a ruler? Or maybe a kitchen measuring cup? Or the bathroom scales? How do those measurements connect with each other? Even a ruler may have two different scales. Measurement is more complex than you think – it can even be political (such as measuring votes). Measure your learning by exploring the following activities.







Think of a job that doesn’t include measurement. It’s hard, isn’t it. Sciences, service, education, business, construction, arts, entertainment, politics, sports all use measurement. There’s even an Instrument Society of America that focuses on careers based on measurement:


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Stand Up for Statues


Statues memorialize important people and animals: not only famous ones but also unknown ones who made a difference in history. Discover the importance of statues in the following activities.









Don’t just stand there; statues can lead you to a great career: studying them, making them, selling them, displaying them, preserving them – or be a living status. See some possibilities here.
