Monday, February 13, 2023

Medal Mettle


Medals serve as a way to recognize achievement: from school relay races to the Olympics. Get inspired to accomplish great things by doing the following activities. You can even make your own medal in the process.









Do you like bright shiny things such as medals. Of course, you can serve on organizations that give medals for achievement. You could also design and manufacture medals for a living.



Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Touring Museums - Virtually

You may have heard of museums – and even the names of a few famous ones such as the British Museum in London or the Van Gogh Museum. But you probably have not visited many of them. Now you can – virtually. These online activities introduce you to museums and let you tour them anytime anywhere.





Practically any topic can be the focus of a museum: toys, sports, candy, as well as science and history. And there are many museum-related jobs Here are a few curated websites on museum careers.