Wednesday, May 23, 2018

What’s Average?

Numbers can be informative – or misleading. Learn how to make sense of groups of numbers and other types of data. You’ll discover a new meaning for mean – and more -- through these un-average activities.




There’s a large number of careers that deal with data and statistics: scientist, engineer, economist, marketer, poll taker, reporter, code-breaker.  You can count on a high probability of finding a good job in this area.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

The White House

The White House is the U.S. President’s residence, and the center of lots of activity over the years. Time to get the inside scoop.




There are hundreds of people who work for the White House: from security to cleaning, from economic advisors to decorators. Of course, there are political jobs – and all of their support staff, as well as thousands of government jobs from Peace Corps to janitors and military to forest rangers. In a way, if you work for the government, you are working for yourself. See some of the opportunities here.