Pianos are a fairly new instrument: just a little over 400 years old.
However, pianos are one of the most popular musical instruments. Key up here –
and explore their superpowers.
- Watch and listen to this brief history of the piano at https://youtu.be/63snnLQqBLQ
- Go into depth about its history at https://www.piano-keyboard-guide.com/history-of-the-piano.html
- Find out how the piano works at https://www.ducksters.com/musicforkids/how_the_piano_works.php
- Watch how a piano is made at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAInt7hIZlU
- Try these piano inspired music activities including crafts, motor activities and play: https://www.andnextcomesl.com/2016/02/piano-inspired-music-activities-for-kids.html
- These piano games help get kids excited about piano lessons: https://fireinsidemusic.com/kid-piano-games/
- Play these online games to learn how to read piano notes: https://takelessons.com/blog/learning-piano-notes
- Learn how to write a song on the piano in 5 minutes at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54n0kaKOJNY
- A piano can be an expensive investment, so here are some factors to consider when buying one: http://www.ptg.org/document//36/
- The piano teacher makes a real difference in helping you to learn how to play. Here are tips of the Piano Teachers Federation on choosing the right teacher: http://pianoteachersfederation.org/Choosing_the_Right_Teacher
- A piano needs care just like any other musical instrument. Here are tasks you can do at home to keep your piano in good condition: https://www.yamaha.com/en/musical_instrument_guide/piano/maintenance/
Think of all the steps in involved in piano performance: making and selling
and fixing pianos; writing and publishing piano compositions; learning and
teaching how to play the piano; performing for competitions and at a workplace;
recording and producing piano performances; incorporating piano music in
education and health. Any of these careers could be the (piano) key to success.
Piano technology careers: http://www.ptg.org/document//27/
How to succeed in a piano career: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CZCygTANW8