January 21 is Squirrel Appreciation Day, and 2020 was the Chinese Year of the Rat. What do squirrels and rats – and porcupines -- have in common? They are both rodents, along with about forty percent of all mammal species -- and found on every continent except Antarctica. Gnaw on these and other facts and fun with the following activities.
- Here are 10 fun facts about rats: https://www.natgeokids.com/au/discover/animals/general-animals/facts-about-rats/
- Rats have been around a LONG time, and are great travelers. Read about their history at https://theconversation.com/curious-kids-where-did-rats-first-come-from-121307
- Check out the history of the lab rat at https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/history-lab-rat-scientific-triumphs-ethical-quandaries-180971533/
- Indeed, rats may be the unexpected heroes of the working animal world: https://www.treehugger.com/rats-unexpected-heroes-of-the-working-animal-world-4861866
- What’s true or false about rats? Play this game of true and false about rats at https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=7dipg3u47VU
- Watch how to make a maze game by following the directions at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97gSldzVNcA
- Celebrate the end of the Year of the Rat before the next Chinese New Year with these crafts: https://artsymomma.com/cute-mouse-rat-crafts.html
- Rodents can be risky for children. If your home has rodents, follow these medically-approved safety tips: https://childrensmd.org/browse-by-topic/safety/rodents-children-medical-risks-mice-rats/
- What should you do if you’re bitten by a mouse? Follow these directions: https://www.healthline.com/health/bit-by-a-mouse
- Rodents may be pests, but they can also be pets (more than just missing an “s”). Here’s how to select a pet rodent – and how to care for it: https://www.avma.org/resources/pet-owners/petcare/selecting-pet-rodent
From caring for rodents to ending them, there’s
a career for you. You can also research them, photograph or draw them, sell
them, or treat others because of them. Dig into these rodent careers.