Tuesday, January 21, 2025

National Anthem Pride

Anthems are usually associated with national anthems such as “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Anthems usually represents a group, a country, or a movement. As the U.S. has a new president, it is good to think about national pride – of many groups. Explore anthems with these online activities.








How do national anthems fit into your possible career? As a musician, a composer, an historian, an event planner, or even a manufacturer.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Soup's On!

 January is soup month, but soup crosses the seasons: hot soup warms you up in winter, and cold soup in summer can be very refreshing. And soup is found throughout the ages and around the world. Try these tasty online activities while the soup’s on.









Does soup sound like a tasty career? Think about becoming a chef, a nutritionist, a restauranteer, a dietician, or a manufacturer. Here are some leads, so eat up?