When we think of spring, we often think of flowers, but they
can be found year round in some places. Flowers are more than something to look
at and smell. Discover the colorful world of flowers here.
- Explore flowers with PBS: http://www.pbs.org/parents/catinthehat/activity_exploring_flowers.html
- Find lots of flower facts at http://www.avasflowers.net/facts-about-flowers-for-kids. Try making a trivia game using these facts.
- Did you know that flowers can be a secret language, and have different meanings around the world? Find out at http://www.livingartsoriginals.com/infoflowersymbolism.htm
- Have you heard of Xrays for flowers? Take a look at floral radiographs to get an inside picture: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~agrxray/
- Celebrate wildflowers, and add color, in your own home by using the Plant Conservation Alliance's coloring books: http://www.nps.gov/plants/color/
- Make your own blooming tea; watch how to do this at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaQ-FJAZfXM. Here’s a list of herbs for teas: http://www.garden.org/foodguide/browse/herb/unusual/1339
- Solve the mystery of the Great Plant Escape: http://urbanext.illinois.edu/gpe/gpe.html
- “Eat your weeds, dear.” Yes, you can eat dandelions. Watch how to pick them safely, and prepare them in dishes to eat: http://www.seriouseats.com/2010/03/eat-your-weeds-tips-for-picking-and-cooking-dandelions.html
- Help create life – and help sustain your family by following the FUNdamentals of “My First Garden”: http://urbanext.illinois.edu/firstgarden/index.cfm
- Take greening to the community by trying one of the service-learning projects detailed at http://www.epa.gov/osw/education/pdfs/svclearn.pdf
- The Great Plans of the MidWest used to spread out over half a million square miles; now less than 2% of the native prairie remains. You can turn a bare dirt field into a prairie in this restoration challenge game: http://www.bellmuseum.umn.edu/games/prairie/build/index.html
- Create flower crafts, and give them to someone to brighten up their day: http://www.freekidscrafts.com/girls-crafts/flower-crafts-girls-crafts/
Like getting your hands dirty? Try growing flowers for a
living. Like to creat something beautiful? Do flower arranging? Like selling? There
are flowershops and gardening centers waiting for you. Here are some starting
websites about such careers.
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