What would we do with glue and tape? These are adhesives, and they help
us stick together. Now stick to these activities. You’ll find yourself glued to
- Stick with these facts about glue: https://wiki.kidzsearch.com/wiki/Glue
- Glue was first created over 20,000 years ago! Read about its history at http://www.softschools.com/inventions/history/glue_history/204/
- Watch how to make adhesive tape at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKLCQwV5Z6o
- You can make your own glue with these 11 homemade recipes: https://snappyliving.com/11-recipes-to-make-your-own-glue/
- Scotch tape you can eat?? Follow this video to make trick Jello tape: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4ux-otvTxo
- Try these family-friendly adhesive tape crafts and helps: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_Hzfvq-pJ8
- There is no one perfect adhesive; learn how to choose the best adhesive for the job at http://www.instructables.com/id/Choosing-the-Best-Adhesive-for-the-Job/
- It can be easy to drip glue – but hard to remove it; here are ways to remove glue from most surfaces: https://www.loctiteproducts.com/en/know-how/fix-stuff/remove-glue.html
- Glue can also be toxic if you swallow it or inhale it; learn about glue poisoning and how to deal with it: https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002826.htm
Glues and other adhesives are used in lots of jobs: crafts,
construction, manufacturing, chemistry, even dentistry. Your interest in adhesives
could really stick.
- https://www.masterbond.com/articles/technological-advances-and-how-structural-adhesives-support-manufacturinghttps://blog.plangrid.com/2019/10/top-careers-in-construction/
- http://chemicaljobs.com/jobs.htm?t=14&job=Chemist-Adhesives&b=KZHZI44JOFDSNWZTAQQOYHFGOX5QA2FZO4TJWANNVKS27CTDDSXQPZXLRJWP2BZ2RP3VUGSCV4&referrer=www.google.com%2F
- http://adhesivedentistry.org/for-patients/what-is-adhesive-dentistry/
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