While some food
can be eaten by hand, eating utensils come in handy much of the time. Explore
these activities to dig into the facts about them.
- Follow a time of eating utensils, starting from 500,000 BC to the present at http://www.eatingutensils.net/history-of-cutlery/timeline-of-eating-utensils/
- Compare the variety of forks, from sardines to ice cream, at http://www.slate.com/articles/arts/design/2012/06/the_history_of_the_fork_when_we_started_using_forks_and_how_their_design_changed_over_time_.html
- How do people around the world eat their food? See the variety of utensils at https://www.thetravelalmanac.com/food/utensils.htm
- Get the facts about chopsticks at https://kids.kiddle.co/Chopsticks
- What do trongs, splayds, chorks, and the fred have in common? They are all utensils; see them at https://www.bonappetit.com/test-kitchen/tools-test-kitchen/article/13-weird-eating-utensils-from-sporks-to-trongs.
- Watch how to use chopsticks at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucHuj48bzgE
- Make an origami holder for chopsticks by following this video’s instructions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzU5oZ-Klpc
- Try some of these recyclable chopstick crafts for kids: https://www.artistshelpingchildren.org/chopstickscraftsideasforkids.html
- ‘Tis the season for nutcracker-themed crafts; explore them at https://www.steamsational.com/nutcracker-crafts-for-kids/
- For parents: here are tips for teaching young children how to use knives and forks safely: https://www.nhsggc.org.uk/kids/resources/ot-activityinformation-sheets/using-a-knife-and-fork-information-sheet/
- Here’s the low-down on kids and utensil use: https://kidsdigfood.com.au/low-down-kids-utensil-use/
- It’s fun to play “kitchen,” but play utensils can be hazardous; follow the safety tips at https://www.consumerreports.org/cro/news/2010/05/toy-food-and-utensil-sets-safety-tips-for-children/index.htm
- Help save the planet by using recyclable drinking straws. Read by plastic straws are a recycling problem at https://mydisposal.com/plastic-straws#:~:text=Although%20the%20plastic%20they%20are,through%20the%20mechanical%20recycling%20sorter.&text=Because%20straws%20are%20non%2Drecyclable%2C%20they%20end%20up%20landfills.
How might
eating utensils turn into a career? As a restaurant worker, a utensil designer or
manufacturer, as a cook, as an occupational therapist, or as a manners expert
(you often need to know dining etiquette to get a job!).
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