Each new year is a new beginning. How
are those new years celebrated – ad how have they been celebrated in the past? Discover
something new this year with these online activities.
- Why do people celebrate New Year’s Day? See why at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKHPtGSwPrQ&ab_channel=Hey%21GuessWhat
- Watch 25 unique ways to celebrate the new year at https://youtu.be/4fM9d6Ci5rg
- January is named for Janus—but who is he? And what does he have to do with New Years? Get the answer at https://kids.kiddle.co/Janus
- Start the year with a party? Get some fun ideas at https://www.engaginglittles.com/new-years-eve-kids-activities-2/
- Get the family together for new year’s eve games at https://www.playpartyplan.com/new-years-eve-minute-to-win-it-games/
- Bring in the year with these kid-friendly crafts: https://www.thebestideasforkids.com/new-years-eve-ideas-kids/
- Resolutions are a good time to set goals for the new year. Get inspired by these kid-friendly resolution (and their pet supporters) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isec6nrPRjM&ab_channel=MissDahlman%27sWorld
- One way to have a good new year is to stay healthy. Get some good ideas for healthy resolutions at https://www.healthychildren.org/English/family-life/family-dynamics/Pages/Healthy-New-Years-Resolutions-for-Kids.aspx
- Fireworks are commonly seen on New Year’s Eve (and 4th of July and other holidays). Let Fido the Fire Dog help you keep safe at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm8s2vIcpqI&ab_channel=AvonFire%26RescueService
New Year’s Day is a good time to
think about your future. Here are some tips for exploring your future.
- https://codakid.com/blog/preparing-kids-for-the-future/5-things-that-all-kids-should-study-to-get-a-high-paying-job-in-the-future/
- https://www.kaixr.com/post/career-exploration-for-kids
- Ways that parents can help: https://www.connectionsacademy.com/support/resources/article/career-goals-among-children/